Haptapp is an experimental unary timing based language address system designed for use with EEG devices such as Neuralink. It can also be used in other applications, e.g. communication with animals, fast single-finger screenless typing, reading messages through skin, haptic communication with IoT devices, etc.
Haptapp has two basic triggers:
Letter | Dots | Sound | Binary |
A | ●●○● | 1101 | |
B | ●○●●●● | 101111 | |
C | ●○●●○●● | 1011011 | |
D | ●○●●● | 10111 | |
E | ●● | 11 | |
F | ●●●○●● | 111011 | |
G | ●○●○●● | 101011 | |
H | ●●●●● | 11111 | |
I | ●●● | 111 | |
J | ●●○●○●○● | 11010101 | |
K | ●○●●○● | 101101 | |
L | ●●○●●● | 110111 | |
M | ●○●○● | 10101 | |
N | ●○●● | 1011 | |
O | ●○●○●○● | 1010101 | |
P | ●●○●○●● | 1101011 | |
Q | ●○●○●●○● | 10101101 | |
R | ●●○●● | 11011 | |
S | ●●●● | 1111 | |
T | ●○● | 101 | |
U | ●●●○● | 11101 | |
V | ●●●●○● | 111101 | |
W | ●●○●○● | 110101 | |
X | ●○●●●○● | 1011101 | |
Y | ●○●●○●○● | 10110101 | |
Z | ●○●○●●● | 1010111 |
Go to the game page to learn typing without thinking - just follow the star and gain points!
You can print this page and learn offline.
Skills can be practiced with friends on the main hapt.app page. Enter a unique frequency ID on all devices to keep your taps private.
Once the letter rhytmical patterns are memorised, they can be used to access words in a 2 or 3 or n-dimensional matrix.
In this example, I distributed the whole Toki Pona language in a cube with the 5 most easy to learn rhytmical patterns on each axis. For ease of reference, I called these rhytmical patterns as follows:
The delay between letters is 3 times longer than the inactivity delay.
Haptapp | Dots | Human Sound | Dog sound | Toki Pona | English | Binary |